Vow of Thieves Blog Tour!
Okay. I'm not sure there's a YA reader alive who hasn't read The Remnant Chronicles at this point (and if you haven't, you need to rectify that [...]
Song of the Dead “Deadly” Gift List
Hey guys! Long time no blog, amiright?? 2018 was a rough year for me, but I am so excited to be back with you all and what better way to start the year than [...]
Tempests and Slaughter Book Tour
AHHHH!!! I am so excited that the day has finally come when I get to share my intense love of all things Tamora Pierce with all of you. The Queen of Modern [...]
Top 10 New-to-Me Authors I Read in 2017
Mitali Perkins. Mitali is a veritable wizard with a pen! I will auto-buy her books until the day I die. Her contemporary YA novel You Bring the Distant [...]