Tempests and Slaughter Book Tour
AHHHH!!! I am so excited that the day has finally come when I get to share my intense love of all things Tamora Pierce with all of you. The Queen of Modern [...]

Battle Magic by Tamora Pierce
I feel like I can’t write this review without introducing myself properly.
Hi, my name is Caitlin Christensen and I am addicted to Tamora Pierce.
There, I [...]

The Beka Cooper Trilogy by Tamora Pierce
I know, I know, it's cheating to combine three books into one week. But I've read this trilogy before, and since I read them all in one week, I think it's [...]

Top 5 YA Fantasy Novels for Everyone
I've always loved to read fantasy. There's just something about visiting an entirely new world that appeals to me - it's like getting to travel without ever [...]

Magic Steps: Meeting Tamora Pierce at The National Book Festival
When I was eight years old my parents took me to Bookstop, our local branch of Barnes & Noble, as a treat. Now, this wasn't an unusual tradition in our [...]