The Book Shire


Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys

So, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that this book wrecked me. Truly and utterly destroyed. I think I found pieces of my vital organs scattered under [...]

The Love That Split the World by Emily Henry

WHOA. Slow the phones and stop the presses. I just need a second. Whew… Okay. I think I’m ready to write this review now (though there’s absolutely no [...]

Dream Things True by Marie Marquardt

There are so many people I know who need to read this book. Seriously, if you’ve never given a second thought to immigration laws or reform, if you’ve [...]

Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo (Grisha Trilogy #3)

***WARNING: THIS REVIEW IS SLIGHTLY SLIGHTLY SLIGHTLY SPOILERY***  Let’s start this show off by dealing with the creepy Rasputin-priest-Asparant situation. [...]

Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo (Grisha Trilogy #2)

The second book in any trilogy is hard to pull off - there has to be a cliffhanger of some sort, to leave fans aching for the final book, but it needs to also [...]

Falling into Place by Amy Zhang

I don't know if there are enough feels to describe this book. It was very clearly trying to destroy me, and it succeeded. By the end I was literally yelling [...]

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo (Grisha Trilogy #1)

I'm a sucker for a great new fantasy world, so I've no idea why I waited so long to get into the Grisha Trilogy. Seriously, you would think it would be a [...]

My Kind of Crazy by Robin Reul

I had very high expectations for My Kind of Crazy... Probably because the blurb marked it as a book that was great for fans of contemporary YA by the likes of [...]

Kissing in America by Margo Rabb

 Wow. This book was not at all what I expected it to be. Going into to Kissing in America, I fully expected to be bombarded with feminist messages on every [...]