The Book Shire


*Blog Tour* Freeks by Amanda Hocking

As anyone who knows me will tell you, I LOVE magical-realism and circus books - so it's no wonder that I was eager to pick up Amanda [...]

Finding Perfect by Elly Swartz

What an adorable Middle Grade read! I was pleasantly surprised to find that this is not only a book you won't want to put down until the final page, but [...]

*Blog Tour* Review and Quotes from The Midnight Star by

I'm a huge fan of Marie Lu's The Young Elites trilogy, so I was THRILLED to be invited to participate in the blog tour for The Midnight Star! Then, [...]

Interview with Erin Bow

If you haven't read Erin Bow's The Scorpion Rules, you are missing out. It was by far one of the BEST books of 2015, with an unbelievably awesome AI villain [...]

The Memory of Things by Gae Polisner

I doubt that I’m the only one to think this, but The Memory of Things was not at all what I was expecting when I requested it. Overall, this worked in its [...]

*Blog Tour* Kingdom of Ash and Briars by Hannah West

I love a good retelling, and I was eager to dive into this mash-up of Hua Mulan, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, and Emma… all rolled together into [...]

The Forgetting by Sharon Cameron

What isn't written, isn't remembered. Even your crimes. Nadia lives in the city of Canaan, where life is safe and structured, hemmed in by white stone walls [...]

Girl on a Plane by Miriam Moss

If you ever imagined what you would do in during a hijacking, you probably think that it would involve a lot of action and adrenaline… two things you won’t [...]

Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Córdova

Labyrinth Lost was an unexpected gem of a read – centered around Alex “Alejandra” and her family of brujas and brujos (in essence, witches), this story [...]