Stacking the Shelves [6]


Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and is about sharing the books that you have added to your shelves in the past week. The books can be physical, digital, borrowed, won, sent for review, or anything else.

This week was a bit tamer than past weeks, but I did buy a few ebooks, and I got an AMAZING ARC in the mail that I’m more than a little excited about!


Amazon –

Kindle Ebooks:


The Orphan Queen by Jodi Meadows – Guys, I freaking love this book and this duology. I have a hardcover of it already (which I will be getting signed on Tuesday!), but it’s on sale on Amazon right now for just $1.99 and I couldn’t resist. I love owning books on my kindle and in hardcopy if they’re books I plan to read again and again, and this definitely fits that bill. If you haven’t read it, you should head over to Amazon and grab a kindle copy while it’s still on sale! You won’t regret it!


The Hidden Prince, The Glowing Knight, The Burning Hand, and The Black Knife novellas by Jodi Meadows – While I was on my Orphan Queen duology kick this week (reading both The Orphan Queen and the sequel, The Mirror King in preparation for the official release of The Mirror King Tuesday) I saw these on Amazon and couldn’t resist. I don’t love buying novellas on my kindle, as they’re always pretty expensive ($2 a piece isn’t cheap for short stories). But this is how much I love this world. I just had to have them!

clockwork prince

Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare – Another book I already own, but couldn’t resist buying this week. This is such a great book (I loooooooove that Jem is on the cover!), and I’m hoping to re-read this trilogy soon on my kindle, now that I have all three of them! Though, I will say, I hate the new covers (which is why I’m using the original ones here).

clockwork princess

Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare – This is by far Cassandra Clare’s best book, in my opinion. That ending. OMG. If you haven’t read The Infernal Devices trilogy yet, do it. Now.


Walk On Earth a Stranger by Rae Carson – I’ve been told that as a Tamora Pierce fan, I’ll love this book, but I’m hesitant to start it, because it’s about the gold rush and I don’t general like western books. I already have a hardcover of it that I received in an Uppercase Box last year, but since it’s also on sale for $1.99 right now, and I had some gift card money, I though buying it on my kindle might make me more likely to read it at some random moment while I’m out and about with only my phone to keep me company. We’ll see.

Sent for Review

Hard copies – 

100 days

100 Days by  Nicole McInnes – This book looks very cute (Macmillan does such a great job with contemporary YA, and really just YA in general). I can’t wait to dig in.


The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi – I LOVE LOVE LOVE this book, and I’m honored that my friends over at Macmillan sent me a finished copy this week! I gave away my ARC, and I’m happy to have this in my hands again. Such a beautiful book. Read my review of it here, and follow me to read my interview with Roshani later this month!


Hamilton: The Revolution by Lin-Manuel Miranda and Jeremy McCarter – AHHHHH!!!! I am such a HAMILTON FANATIC. I love the play so much, and it’s pretty much all I listen to anymore. I was thrilled to get to interview Lin-Manuel Miranda earlier this year, and then to get to attend the live Grammy performance shortly thereafter. And now I get to read this beauty early. I’ve already started it (it came in yesterday), and I am obsessed with how well-written and compelling it is. Of course, no one should be surprised since it’s HAMILTON. Lin-Manuel knows how to do things right. This is a true piece of art. Pre-order it now and get it on its release date (April 12th). You won’t regret it. And if you haven’t listened to the musical soundtrack, you should definitely stop everything to do that.

That’s it for me this week. What did you guys acquire???


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