Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and is about sharing the books that you have added to your shelves in the past week. The books can be physical, digital, borrowed, won, sent for review, or anything else.
I’m trying to get back into doing these each week, because my morning-sickness-hiatus really threw a wrench in my blogging-routine. I’ve got to get back “in shape,” and I’ll admit that the prospect is more than a tad daunting. Partly because I acquire so many dang books every week, and that’s kind of embarassing. LOLOLOLOLZ. Just kidding. I HAVE NO SHAME. #books4ever and all that.
Amazon –
Because You’ll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas – I am really excited to read this one! I got approved for the sequel on Netgalley so I figured I should buy the first and catch-up. Isn’t that cover gorgeous?
Sent for Review:
Hard copies –
The Underdogs by Sara Hammel – This is a super cute middle grade mystery! I’m trying to read more middle grade and adult fiction in 2017 to expand my reading boundaries past simply YA (though YA will always be my favorite), so I’m excited for this one. I hear that it’s very twisty and I can’t wait to [hopefully] be surprised.
Paper Wishes by Lois Sepahban – OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH I AM SO EXCITED RIGHT NOW FOR THIS BOOK. I am on a MAJOR WWII kick in my reading lately, and this is about a family who is relocated during the war to a Japanese Internment camp. That is a side of WWII that is so rarely talked about and discussed that I am jumping for joy to see it portrayed in a Middle Grade historical fiction novel. I’ve heard nothing but good things about this. <3
Lucky Strikes by Louis Bayard – Not to brag or anything [okay, I’m kind of bragging a little] but I actually know and adore Louis Bayard, and I am so freaking excited that Macmillan Children’s sent me his latest book (and first ever Young Adult title) to review. I’m sure it’s going to be phenomenal, as all of his adult titles are. This one is set in depression-era Virgina and it sounds so freaking awesome.
The Voyage to the Magical North by Claire Fayers – This book was on my radar when it was released last year, but I didn’t get around to requesting it (there are just so many books and so little time, you know?). I’m glad to finally have it in my hands because it sounds like a rip-roaring adventure that is going to be hilarious and fun to read.
The Journey to Dragon Island by Claire Fayers – DRAGONS. Need I go on? Also, aren’t these covers just spectacular? I know they say “don’t judge a book by its cover” but really, who DOESN’T do that?!?! I know I do. And these covers are freaking ON POINT.
Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire – I was flipping through Tor’s Spring 2017 catalog and this book caught my eye immediately. I love the whole concept – it’s about a home for “used-up miracle children” who have returned from their fantasy lands and adventures only to have trouble acclimating back into the real world. It looks fascinating!
Down Among the Sticks and Stones by Seanan McGuire – The sequel to the aforementioned Every Heart a Doorway, this one deals with Jack and Jill and it looks as delicious as the first.
The Airport Book by Lisa Brown – Because we’re expecting in April I want to start reviewing select Children’s titles as well, and this book looks so lovely! I love that it’s about airports and what goes on in them; I know it’ll come in handy teaching our little boy all about travel (which we’re going to do a lot of!). Plus, the illustrations are so beautiful and detailed, and it features diverse characters!!!
The Lonely Hearts Hotel by Heather O’Neill – It’s funny how much blogging has changed my reading life. I saw this on another bookstagrammers account and just had to request it! The cover alone is swoon-worthy, but when I heard that it has tones similar to those present in The Night Circus and an endorsement from Emily St. Mandel (author of Station Eleven) I HAD to read it.
Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones – AHHHH THIS BOOK. This book comes out next month and is one of my most-anticipated 2017 releases! It’s about The Goblin King and is heavily influenced by Christina Rosetti’s The Goblin Market, which is one of the most epic poems of all time. I cannot wait to read this one later this week!