Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and is about sharing the books that you have added to your shelves in the past week. The books can be physical, digital, borrowed, won, sent for review, or anything else.
So. It’s been a few weeks. Okay, you’re right. It’s been like a friggin’ month. I’M SORRY. Life got ahead of me. Between BEA, visiting family, and now packing up to move in less than two weeks, it has been C-R-A-Z-Y in the Christensen Household.
Buuuuuuut… I’m BACK. 🙂
Amazon –
The Leaving by Tara Altebrando – I finished this book this week, basically in one sitting. I had pre-ordered it, and when it came in I figured, Oh I’ll just read a couple of pages to kind of get a feel for it. But as soon as I started reading it I got sucked in and couldn’t stop until I knew what had happened. Talk about a THRILLER.
The Museum of Heartbreak by Meg Leder – This is seriously one of my new favorite YA contemporaries. I freaking couldn’t get enough. Meg Leder is a genius, and this sweet and silly and satisfying love story is the perfect summer read.
Sent for Review
Hard copies –
Girl on a Plane by Miriam Moss – I guess I’m kind of on a thriller kick right now, because The Leaving already got my blood pumping this week, and now I’ve also got this thrilling tale based on a true story of a plane hijacking. A huge thank you to HMH Kids for sending this one my way!
Love Charms and other Catastrophes by Kimberly Karalius – I don’t always love romances, but I was so intrigued by the City of Grimbaud last year when I read Love Fortunes and Other Disasters that I knew I wanted to pick up this sequel. My ARC doesn’t have the gorgeous cover unfortunately, but I think the story inside will still be charming to the max.
Nevernight by Jay Kristoff –When I met Jay at BEA with my friends Andrea @thebookstorefinds and Mara @bookmarauder he didn’t have enough ARCs of his latest novel for all of us, so I didn’t manage to snag one. But, I’m super lucky in that the publisher sent me one this week! I’ve heard AMAZING things about this book already and I cannot WAIT to read it! Just look at that terrifying cover art! It promises to be AWESOME.
I’ve heard so many great things on Nevernight so I hope you like it!
My Weekly Rewind
Genesis @ Latte Nights Reviews
Fabulous stack! Happy reading! Visitors to my blog are always welcome so please stop by and see my StS here. I’m a new bloglovin’ follower!