The Book Shire

Author: Caitlin Christensen

The Death of the Black-Haired Girl by Robert Stone

"People all want their suffering to mean something." In one of the last sentences of his newest novel, The Death of the Black-Haired Girl, Robert Stone [...]

Hungry for The Hunger Games: Why YA Literature Deserves a Place in the Canon

A while ago, while having a conversation with my critical methods professor, I found myself in a conversation about Young Adult literature. This is, of course, [...]

Top 5 YA Fantasy Novels for Everyone

I've always loved to read fantasy. There's just something about visiting an entirely new world that appeals to me - it's like getting to travel without ever [...]

Date a Girl Who Writes

Date a girl who reads. Date a girl who can’t put a new book down until it’s been finished. A girl who, for those few hours, can’t separate the fantasy [...]

Magic Steps: Meeting Tamora Pierce at The National Book Festival

When I was eight years old my parents took me to Bookstop, our local branch of Barnes & Noble, as a treat. Now, this wasn't an unusual tradition in our [...]

“The Writer’s Block” – How to Be a Writer

I fancy myself a pretty good writer. I've always done it, like since I was old enough to hold a pen; and before that I told stories all the time. My first [...]

Meeting Bo Burnham: The True Story of How a Youtube Sensation (Sort of) Changed My Life

This is a true story. It's been abridged, but it's true, more than a little embarrassing, and completely unbelievable. And y'all are going to get to live it [...]