I just wanted to update you guys on a few critical things! First off, THANK YOU for sticking with me during my six-week long hiatus. It has been an absolutely INSANE time here at the Christensen Home… We’ve been dealing with the ins and outs of settling into our new home (and new jobs) and prepping for the arrival of baby #1 this April.
It’s so exciting for us, but unfortunately, being pregnant has posed a few significant issues for my blogging life; namely, for most of the first trimester I was dead tired and sick all the time.
It’s been excruciating to feel like I can’t keep up with my blogger and bookstagrammer lifestyle, especially when I feel I’m wasting all my free time sleeping, but I’ve needed the rest, and while it wasn’t an easy decision, I had to step back from something in order to get it.
Like I said before, THANK YOU.
You guys have continued to come by, drop comments here and on instagram, and let me know you’re thinking of me. I am so lucky to be a part of this community, and to not have to feel like I’m a horrible person for having to take a break to prepare for this first pregnancy and all that’s come with it.
I am eternally grateful to y’all.
And, as a special shoutout to any publishers who may or may not be reading this – thank you for continuing to send me ARCS. If I’m behind on reviewing any of them, I promise I will do everything I can to catch up, and it really means the world to me that you guys have continued to believe in me and my little blog even when I’ve been MIA for the past month or so. Thanks for being so understanding – I promise to make it up to you!
Even though I haven’t been blogging, I have been reading. Not as much as my usual, but I still have plenty of reviews I need to post and lots and lots of thoughts (and instagram pics) I want to share with you! Starting today, I’m going to be easing myself back into posting regularly (pregnancy permitting). At 19 weeks, I’m feeling so much better and I have so much more energy, so I think it’s about time to get a move on updating everything!
Again, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU – I couldn’t even do this amazing thing that I love if it weren’t for your dedication, patience, and support. You are all my favorite.