24-Hour Read-a-thon Ramblings

11:00 a.m. I overslept and am actually started the readathon three hours late, but at least I was well rested and feeling good – I figured I could just stop a few hours later to make up for it (so optimistic). I showed super quickly (I hate the feeling of lounging around the house grungy), made some chai, warmed up a scone and then pickedΒ To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han as book numero uno.
1:30 p.m. Already half-way through All the Boys I’ve Loved Before and liking it. Really digging the letter-theme. Feel like after the readathon I should write letters to all the boys I’ve loved before…
3:00 p.m. Done with All the BoysΒ and ready for the next one. On a whim, chose How It Went Down by Kekla Magoon. A book I got from Bookriot’s new YA Quarterly Box. Very short chapters, so this one feels like it’s going to fly by.
5:00 p.m. Already about half-way, and WOW this book packs a well-timed punch to the White American subconscious. We should just hand this book out in Ferguson.
6:30 p.m. Done with How it Went Down – mad props to Kekla for ending the book without really making either side look like the “right” or “wrong” side – way to bring the races together! Go Team USA! Diverse books FTW. Now, I’m going to go order Honey Sriracha pizza from pizza hut because I feel I deserve it… πŸ˜‰
7:30 p.m. To mix things up, I’m reading a great collection of short stories,Tortall and Other Lands by Tamora Pierce. Pizza is here.
10:00 p.m. 11 hours (and four slices of pizza) in and I’m finally slurping down some Diet Dr. Pepper with Cherry to make my eyes stop feeling so fuzzy. I’m just one short story away from the end of Tortall and Other Lands.Β 
1:30 a.m. Oh. My. Gosh. I have just totally strayed from my mission for the last 2 hours. First, YouTube is the devil and should NEVER be pulled up for a “quick break.” Ever. And I shouldn’t have picked up the phone… Who picks up the phone after midnight? Grr… And I just realized I need to do laundry. Going to take book numero four, Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein, with me.
3:00 a.m. I cannot express how tired my eyes are. Sitting in the empty laundry room, on a whirring machine, I could feel my eyes slowing down their usual pace. Ugh, each page seems to take twice as long as it should.
5:00 a.m. About halfway done with Code Name Verity, but I’m having so much trouble staying awake. Fresh bowl of fruit and a Vanilla Coke Zero are helping, but I never drink this much caffeine and I don’t think it’s working very effectively.
I stopped the updates when I fell asleep in my book around 7 a.m. – 20 hours in – with only a chapter or so left to go in Code Name Verity.Β 
Anyway, it was a SUPER fun experience, and I’m going to make it all the way during the next one in October (or maybe I’ll do one myself between now and then).

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