By the third movie I was hitting my stride as a live-tweeter…
The Return of the King
#Smeagol has the mind of a dictator – you have a thing I want. I should have it. I will have it. I will kill you for it. #noshame #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
“I’ve rationed it. There should be enough.” “For what?” “The journey home.” #Frodo is like, “You poor naive thing. That’s not gonna happen.”
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
#MerryandPippin are sitting there eating and smoking when Aragorn and crew arrive, and what’s their excuse? “We’re under orders!”RIGHT.#LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
“We need him alive. We need him to talk.” #Gandalf would make a great #GUANTANAMO guard. He’s too old to have scruples. #ReturnOfTheKing
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
“You are all going to die.” #Gandalf‘s just like, “If the #Balrog couldn’t kill me I’m not about to take threats from you, #Saruman.” #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
Only #Saruman could make “Horse-Master” sound like an insult. #Rohan #LOTR #ReturnOfTheKing
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
Only #Saruman could make “Horse-Master” sound like an insult. #Rohan #LOTR #ReturnOfTheKing
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
Good for you #GrimaWormtongue, but I warn you – you can stab the bastard in the back all you want, you’re still no #Brutus. #ReturnOfTheKing
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
“I am happy for you; he is an honorable man.” Way to jump the gun #Theoden – #Aragorn has a girlfriend. #SuchaDadMove #ReturnOfTheKing #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
Legolas can drink #Gimli under a table (literally) but #MerryandPippin can out drink a legion of men, elves and dwarves. #HobbitSkills #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
#Smeagol talked to his reflection before #Mulan made it cool. #LOTR #trendsetter #ReturnOfTheKing
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
This is probably unhealthy but I can’t stop – #ExtendedEditionLordofTheRingsMarahon #TwoDaysFiveFilms #ReturnOfTheKing #LordOfTheRings #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
You’d think, after all that trouble in #Moria, #Pippin would know better than to touch the seeing stone. #FoolofaTook #LOTR #ReturnOfTheKing
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
“And you… You’re coming with me.” #MerryandPippin being parted is the worst thing ever. #ReturnOfTheKing #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
“The last of the longbottom leaf.”
“I know you’ve run out. You smoke to much, Pip.”
“But we’ll see each other soon.”
#sobbing #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
Longbottom leaf… #NevilleLongbottom… Wow, now it all makes sense. #notgoingtoexplainit #ReturnOfTheKing #LOTR #HarryPotter
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
It’s very convenient that #Arwen is one of the few elves who can choose to become mortal… Just think about that. #LOTR #TolkiensaRomantic
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
Somehow dropping a book is symbolic of the light of #eldar leaving #Arwen because obviously mortal women can’t hold books. #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
“In fact, it’s better you don’t speak at all, Peregrin Took.” Yeah, given his track record I would’ve STARTED with that. #LOTR#GandalfWisdom
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
Denethor already knows #Boromir is dead… Oops… Should’ve thought of that when y’all were shipping him down the river in a canoe. #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
Pippin just indentured himself to a crazy man… That’s bound to end well. #ReturnOfTheKing #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
“We’re going #ThereandBackAgain just like #MrBilbo, you’ll see.” Shameless book plugin, yet that wasn’t a good enough title for #hobbit #3.
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
It’s touching, really, how #Smeagol wants to save #Frodo from #Sauron so that he can lead him to #Shelob to die instead… #ReturnOfTheKing
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
I feel like #Gandalf could’ve lit those beacons with some of that #Wizard power, but again, he likes to send the #Hobbits instead. #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
#Pippin: “I don’t want to fight.”
#Merry: “Please accept my sword.”
I see no difference between these two… Nope, none. #ReturnOfTheKing
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
It must kind of suck to be #Gimli though, because everyone’s probably looking at him all the time like, “Where the heck are the dwarves?”
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
Live tweeting a #LOTR marathon is the embodiment of all that is wrong with 21st Century America… #multitasking #firstworldproblems
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
“Master carries a heavy burden. Smeagol knows…” When #Smeagol is the only one who understands you, it’s probably time to look at your life
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
“Courage is the best defense that you have now.” So, basically, we’re screwed. Thanks #Gandalf. #LOTR #ReturnOfTheKing
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
#Faramir telling #Pippin that #Boromir and #Denethor were so alike just makes me think it’s probably a good thing Boromir died in honor.
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
I think #Denethor wins all #WorstFatheroftheYear awards for all time. “Think better of me.” “That will depend on the manner of your return.”
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
“Fat hobbit is always so polite.” #Smeagol basically invented sarcasm in #ReturnOfTheKing #LOTR #poorsam
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
I’m all about forgiveness, but when #Frodo tells #Sam to “go home,” and makes him cry I always rethink my stance. #returnoftheking #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
“Your father loves you #Faramir. He will remember it before the end.” #GandalfWisdom #LOTR Probably the biggest BS line in the entire film.
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
Just want to point out that #PippinsSong is so good they used it again for the #thebattleofthefivearmies trailer. #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
“Where are the riders from Snowbourne?” “None have come, Milord.” Those bastards, always ruining wars. #returnoftheking #LOTR #TheodenKing
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
Nothing like a midnight visit from your future father-in-law to make you leave camp in a hurry. #Aragorn #ReturnOfTheKing #Numenor #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
“None but the King of Gondor can command me.” #Aragorn, “Yeah, why do you think I’m here?” Ghost Leader, “Oh. Okay then.” #ReturnOfTheKing
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
Oh, you’ve got giant stones to catapult at us? Well, we’ve got the heads of your loved ones. We win on pure terror alone. #LOTR #MinasTirith
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
“This is no place for a hobbit.” Nice of you to decide that now, #Gandalf, after you’ve already brought him to #MinasTirith with you. #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
I have to admit, there’s a tiny moment when #Frodo realizes what #Smeagol has done, and calls out #Sam‘s name, where I feel vindicated.#LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
Tolkien liked giant spiders before they were cool. #hipster #Betterthanpottereven #SorryHarrybutIStillLoveYou #LOTR #Shelob #ReturnOfTheKing
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
I like that #gollum is just singing a happy little song while #Frodo fights #Shelob for his life. He’s like #TheJoker in that scene. #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
#Sam vs. #Shelob in the battle of the S’s. Who will win? Psych, I read the books. Spoiler alert – Sam beats the s**t out of the spider.#LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
Could some #RonWeasley and #SamGamgee parallels be drawn here? No, because Ron is like the moody protege to Sam’s BA BFF example. #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
These tweets are getting weird… See y’all in the morning for my continued live-tweet of #TheExtendedEditionofTheLordofTheRingsandTheHobbit
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
As the night wore on I started to really fear for my sanity. So I took a break. But the morning brought even more absurdity…
It’s not fair that #Eowyn takes all the credit for killing the Witch King of #Angmar with her “I am no man” line. #Merry helped. #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
With a name that long, it makes sense #AragornSonofArathornElessartheElfstoneDúnadanHeirofIsildurElendilsSonofGondor didn’t mind #Strider.
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
Sometimes I just think it’s really unfair I don’t have a ghost army at my disposal. #TakeThatTerrorists #LOTR #returnoftheking #realtalk
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
Gimli: “No! Don’t release the ancient magical ghost army – they’re useful!” Everyone else: “Um, how about we do so they don’t kill us.”#LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
I’m glad the #Extendededition shows #Aragorn healing #Eowyn because it’s a boss scene. #LOTR #ReturnoftheKing
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
Forget brokeback mountain – the most tender male-to-male moment in the history of film is when #Pippin finds #Merry on the battlefield.#LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
I like to think I’d have followed the orcs into Mordor to save #Frodo even though he definitely didn’t really deserve it. #SamwiseLOVE #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
Gandalf:”I’ve sent him to his death.” Really? NOW you feel remorse? Earlier, #Galadriel already said it was a “risk you all took.” You knew.
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
“Certainty of death! Small chance of success! What are we waiting for?” On top of being #Eeyore, #Gimli is also suicidal. Lovely. #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
The fact that they ever took out #TheMouthOfSauron from #ReturnOfTheKing is just poor judgement. He’s a nightmare, and it’s wonderful. #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
When they think Frodo is dead, but fight anyway, that’s true courage. #LessonsFromTolkien #ReturnOfTheKing #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
See, #HarryPotter wasn’t the first protagonist to be presented as dead when he was actually alive and kicking… #FrodoLives #LOTR #Sauron
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
“The #Halfling was dear to you I see. Know that he suffered greatly at the hands of his host.”Wistful thinking #MouthOfSauron #Shoveit #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
It breaks my heart when #Sam start telling #Frodo it’ll be spring in the #Shire soon… He has no idea what’s happened there. #ReadtheBooks
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
“Come on, #MrFrodo. I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you.” #FavoriteLine #WordforWordfromtheBooks #Tolkien #FrodoandSam #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
“#Smeagol promised!” #Gollum is like, “Oh, #Frodo, you poor naive #hobbit – Smeagol is a damn liar.” #ReturnOftheKing. #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
It’s rather sweet that the #RingofPower waited a minute before melting into #MtDoom – gave #FrodoandSam a chance to have their moment. #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
The most fantastical part about #LOTR is that the fires of #MtDoom don’t burn the heck out of #FrodoandSam after it erupts around them.
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
With just 43 minutes left the endings begin… #ReturnOfTheKing #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
I can’t stop with the #HarryPotter parallels – Harry and #Frodo both wake up with a wizard by their bed all the freaking time. #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
With so many great endings, why pick just one? <— Peter Jackson and Tolkien’s exact thoughts. #ReturnOfTheKing #LOTR #HobbitsBowToNoOne
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
Unlike #Eowyn, when #AragornKing sings alone it’s epic not pathetic. #AllHailTheKing #ReturnOfTheKing #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
When #Aragorn and #Arwen are finally reunited, and #Elrond mouths/whispers, “Go to him,” to her it kills me. #DadLove #LOTR #LetHerGo
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
Everyone bows to the #Hobbits and they realize what it’s like to actually be taller than someone. I’d cry too.#IKnowThatFeeling #Short #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
So many endings, yet Peter Jackson still left out my favorite one. #HobbitsTakeBackTheShire #ReadtheBooks #TheShireisRuined #LOTR #ROTK
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
For all the #shipping of #FrodoandSam that goes on, it cannot be ignored that Sam is the only one of them who goes and gets married. #LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
I will kill to own a manuscript of #ThereAndBackAgain or #TheLordOfTheRings that was handwritten in that beautiful #hobbit handwriting…
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
#Frodo: “No, Uncle, I’m afraid I’ve lost it.”
#Bilbo: “Pity.”
#LOTR #DestroyIt #TheRingofPower
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
“I will not say, ‘Do not weep,’ for not all tears are an evil.” Good cause I cry buckets of tears when #Frodo admits that he’s leaving.#LOTR
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
#Frodo is a real hero, because even after he wins he still loses everything. That’s realism, Folks. #Tolkien knew that every win has a cost.
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
I understand why #Frodo has to leave, but I still hate it. How can he leave #Sam? But I firmly believe Sam joins him in the end. #BookTheory
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
#ReturnOfTheKing has the best credits of any of the films… Maybe that’s why it won #BestPicture when all three deserved it? #JustSaying
— Caitlin (@moralynn1992) August 10, 2014
To be Continued…